Bagoss di Bagolino - Mature

Bagoss di Bagolino stagionato

Bagoss di Bagolino - Mature

The rare and authentic, a gift of a few old cheesemakers, special cows and excellent pastures…

Pack of: 250 g min.

€ 15,90
Country Italia
Region Lombardia
Ingredients latte crudo vaccino parzialmente scremato, sale, caglio, zafferano.
Allergens milk
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Bagòss is a typical cheese of Bagolino, a small mountain town nestled at the heart of the Italian Alps. The authentic Bagòss is produced only in Bagolino in 28 small companies where farmers produce Bagòss with the help of their families.

The Bagòss is a semi-cooked cheese, produced according to traditional production methods practiced for centuries. To get the authentic brand and be able to use the name "Bagòss" must follow a strict production regulations requiring that all milk used for cheese production is produced from cows of the brown breed bred in Bagolino and fed with local hay. A typical feature of Bagòss is adding saffron that gives it a perfumery and a typical yellow color.


Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1196 kj – 286 kcal Proteine / Protein 18 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 1,5 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 1,5 g) Grassi / Fat 22 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 15 g) Sale 2 g - Origine del Latte: ITALIA – Riferimento selezione ed affinamento: Bollo CEE IT 03/201 CE– (BG) - Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero - Formaggio duro, con crosta NON edibile.


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