Extra Strong Dijon mustard

Senape di Dijon Extra forte

Extra Strong Dijon mustard

The classic mustard, strong, spicy, delicious…

Pack of: 200 g

€ 4,50
Country Francia
Ingredients water, mustard seeds, spirit vinegar, salt, preservative: sodium bisulfite .
Allergens mustard, sulfites
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Characterized by its high content of mustard seeds, mustard this ensures a powerful and pungent taste. It can be widely used and is particularly suitable for many uses hot. It goes well with many preparations: meat, fish, vegetables, dips, seafood salads, sauces, etc...

Da conservare in frigorifero una volta aperto.

Prodotto da: Charbonneaux Brabant S.A. – Reims - Francia

Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 624 kj – 150 kcal Proteine / Protein 7,8 g Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 4,2 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars 2,2 g) Grassi / Fat 11 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 0,7 g) Sale 5,96 Fibre / Fiber 3,5 g

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