Pecorino from Sardinia

 Pecorino Sardo semi seasoned

Pecorino from Sardinia

The characteristic aroma brings us back to pleasant "mou" notes…

Pack of: 250 g min.

€ 8,50
Country Italia
Region Sardegna
Ingredients Ewe's pasturized milk, salt, rennet
Allergens milk
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Produced in Sardinia, with Italian milk, this cheese has a soft but not creamy, rather than elastic.
The flavor, initially just slightly acidic, is decidedly sweet and persistent while the nose this cheese brings us back to pleasant sensations experienced by children, when everyone at least once, we savored a toffee. A cheese that wins us then with warm notes and persuasive!

Valori Nutrizionali medi / Nutrition Facts per 100 g di prodotto: Valore energetico / Energy 1613 kj – 389 kcal Grassi / Fat 31 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi / of which saturates 19 g) Carboidrati / Carbohydrate <0,5 g (di cui zuccheri / of which sugars <0,5 g) Proteine / Protein 27 g Sale 1,2 g - Sede di produzione e responsabile delle informazioni: Bollo CEE IT 20 053 CE - Italia -

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Conservare in frigorifero. Origine del Latte: ITALIA – Formaggio semistagionato, con crosta NON edibile.


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